
June 29, 2012

Funny Friday!

I have not posted a Funny Friday post in awhile. Here is a video I discovered this morning I thought was very amusing!! Enjoy!!

Dora the Explorer Movie Trailer (with Ariel Winter)
created by

June 20, 2012

Show your love! Nominate your favorite YA books at NPR

NPR wants readers to nominate their favorite books for their annual summer reader's poll. Go to NPR and nominate your favorite book written by your favorite awesome authors!

The Best Young Adult Novels? You Tell Us

Illustration: teen with books

June 8, 2012

Becca Fitzpatrick: FINALE Cover and Countdown Widget

Becca Fitzpatrick: FINALE Cover and Countdown Widget: It's been an exciting week for FINALE! Becca was on hand at BookExpoAmerica in New York City this week for the live unveiling of the FINAL...

June 4, 2012

Aventurine Heart by Carole Wood


Aventurine Heart
by Carole Wood
Paranormal Romance
Published by: Carole Wood Books
My Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

Summary: ~from goodreads~

Alexa Mayfair is about to be just another  high school graduate when a tornado strikes her hometown of Fortraven, almost killing her.  During the course of the following months she learns of a darker side to reality, a dangerous secret that once uncovered can never be reburied. Along the way she falls in love with Eli, taking her down a road of torment and self sacrifice that pushes her to the very limits of her sanity...

My Review:

Love this book! This story captivated me from the beginning with expressive detail. I have to honestly say for me, just about any story that has Nephilims, Angels, demons and Good vs Evil peaks my interest to read that book. This is a great story about first love, friendship, family and heartbreak. It's about making tough decisions and sacrifices for the people we love. Accepting that even though sacrifices were made for others, it may not always have the desired outcome.
Alexa has had tradgedy in her life and she has been in a fog for quite awhile. She has been content to hang out with her best friend Sasha. She has only had close relationships with her mom, Sasha, and Zach (Sasha's brother), she has never had any  interest in making other friends. Alexa comes very close to dying in a tornado that hit her hometown. She miraculously survives while everything around her was destroyed. While unconscious she experiences a dream that she now wonders if it could of been real. The near death experience awakens her to her surroundings and she finally becomes aware of a new boy in her class named Eli. By facing many difficult obstacles in her life, Alexa becomes a very strong character. Loved the ending, it did surprise me. I so hope Carole Wood writes a second book to this story.

If you love reading about Angels, I highly recommend this book!!

Book Trailer....

Here are links to get more information on Carole Wood...