
☮About Me

Josie Epping
Indiana, USA

I am many things, a mother, a daughter, a friend and a teacher. I have two children Alex 22 and Beth 27. I am also a proud grandma since Jan. 2010. I have two wonderful cats named Binx (after the character Zachary Binx, from the movie Hocus Pocus and Sushi
. I am an Assistant Director at a Childcare ministry (ages 3-11), I teach Pre-K, and I work with the after school and summer program.

I enjoy reading, coffee, and an an occasional glass of wine. I like to go hiking and spend time with my family and friends. 

I started this blog to share my love of books. I love reading and enjoy the journey authors write. I am amazed how a writer can write a story that transports you to another place and touch a persons emotions. I wish I could do that. I have a lot of respect and admiration for writers who can accomplish touching someones soul.
This blog is a work in progress. My reviews may be short or they may be long. I love to read, but I am  not a writer. Writing is not a skill I have, but I am willing to write a blog about stories that touch my emotions and my heart. 

♥♥My Book Buddy Binx♥♥


  1. Thank you so much for the wonderful words about Shadows of the Past!
    May you have a 2013 full of Happy Reading!
    PS. Please, only if possible, could you post it on Goodreads/ Amazon?
    Thank you for your time.

  2. I enjoy You and Yrs so much.
    Blessed Be¡
